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dc.contributor.authorRed de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (RedTraSex)
dc.description.abstractWomen sex workers are one among many social groups that are relegated to the background in terms of recognition and enjoyment of our rights. This happens even with our most basic rights, such as the right to work, to earn a living through freely chosen or accepted work, to decide how to carry on one’s trade. We are not guaranteed the minimum conditions that must be respected for all women workers. Our governments owe us laws on autonomous sex work and public policies regulating it. A framework of guarantees for women who decide to engage in this work will lead to improvements in our quality of life; help to reduce stigma, discrimination, harassment and marginalization, and contribute to our societies being more inclusive and egalitarian. We have no doubt that sex work is work and as such must be regulated. The reasons why are elaborated below.es_ES
dc.rightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
dc.subjectRegulación del trabajo sexuales_ES
dc.subjectDerecho al trabajoes_ES
dc.subjectViolencia contra las MTSes_ES
dc.subject.otherTrabajo sexuales_ES
dc.subject.otherTrabajo decentees_ES
dc.subject.otherRegulación del trabajo sexuales_ES
dc.subject.otherOrganizaciones de la sociedad civiles_ES
dc.subject.otherOrganizaciones de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexualeses_ES
dc.subject.otherIncidencia políticaes_ES
dc.subject.otherAcceso a los servicioses_ES
dc.subject.otherEstigma y discriminaciónes_ES
dc.subject.otherViolencia institucionales_ES
dc.titleFive reasons why sex work must be regulated|Cinco razones por las cuales el Trabajo Sexual debe ser reguladoes_ES
dc.source.paisBuenos Aires, Argentinaes_ES
dc.type.itemDocumento de trabajoes_ES
dc.type.dspacePosicionamiento políticoes_ES

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